We float guestlessly through such topics as the Oscars, soul food, Jenny McCarthy, and we stuntcast Point Break.
Download episode 52 here. (right-click)
Brought to you by:
Kettle Chips
Mime school
Dodd's Furniture
Various Madnesses

The late, great Cyd C.

The Cookout

Shirt In A Can
The nip slip is back!

It's a vault, not a pommel horse
The Black Stallion, starring Mickey Rourke

We don't know anything about this movie

The #1 name is fart goo

The Hoosier state

Chef Tony

Comedy writer, Jenny McCarthy

The hotness of Eric S. Raymond's partner is inconclusive

All manifestation of grizzly suit

The 'bean

Shakespeare's Sister

Stuntcasting Point Break

Hey guys,
Just finished listening to the show, and I have a suggestion for the written word category of the league. I nominate Alan Moore. He is British, kind of looks like a viking< is very angry, and at least deserves an honourable mention for writing The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Keep up the good work.
This was my favorite episode in a while. Well done, homeboys. While I have enjoyed just about every guest, it was kind of nice to not have a guest. It kind of took it back to the intimacy that you guys created when all the guests were close friends. In other words, we need some more Jane Stanton.
So, about Graham's show, is it daily? Is there a link to where it can be seen online? I love me some Charlie Demers.
And I still want to see Dave's set from when he opened for Louis CK. Any chance of seeing some SPY guys stand-up?
Happy anniversary, fellas!
"Just roll of the ramp..." Champ?
"Just talk on your computer, scooter"
I laughed so hard at those.
For serious. If you want to put a real Man's Man astronomer in the LoEB, go with Dr. Alan Stern, the lead scientist on the New Horizons mission to Pluto. He didn't take any shit from the stupid IAU committee of like 4 1/2 people that decided for the world the arbitrary reasons for what makes a planet just so that Pluto and any new-found objects in the region wouldn't be planets basically because it would be HARD to remember them!
I have a reply email from Dr. Stern that goes as follows (I sent a super, long-winded message to him talking about how ridiculous the IAU's decision was):
[Olliver]- Your thoughts and mine are very much the same. You've thought this out
far better than the IAU, who are largely to be ignored now. Join the
movement, write your local newspaper, sign the anti-IAU petitions on the
web, go on TV, kill this silly notion that the number of planets, unlike
say stars, has to be limited.
You think it's blokey to say "fuck you" to the establishment, then you don't get much blokier than saying a big "Fuck You" to the International Astronomical Union and their decision that Pluto isn't worthy BY SENDING A MILLION DOLLARS PROBE STRAIGHT TO PLUTO ANYWAY JUST TO PROVE THEM WRONG.
Dr. Alan Stern for LoEB Scientists
p.s. I said it before, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) was never going to do any harm. Search past comments, it's in there.
Oh, and Nick Hornby for Written Word bloke.
Hello Dave and Associate,
Those real-person-with-floating-animated-objects ads ( RePeFAO ads, as I like to call them) are EVERYWHERE... and I think the Nova Scotia Community College have taken the style as far a it can go. They produced a series of these ads. Here's a link to one: http://www.nscc.ca/sites/real/helicopter_girl.asp
Enough already!
• Congratulations on your 1st year of podcasting! I've been a regular listener since July, and I always look forward to your show-
• Nice work on the Point Break poster, but if PB were to be remade, it would have to somehow involve Matthew McConaughey.
• I nominate total recluse and all around man of mystery Thomas Pynchon for the League of Literary Blokes.
Olliver, we seem do have really hit a nerd nerve. I dismissed NDT because he's a wiener, didn't I?
And Anonymous, Graham is not yet an associates. He's still interning.
And I'm gonna have to read so many books before we do written word blokes. Just kidding. I can't read.
I second Alan Moore. For the same reasons mentioned above, but most importantly because he made an epic porno-comic about Wendy from Peter Pan, Alice (of Wonderland)and Dorothy (of Oz) doing alot of sex. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_Girls
I think sponsorship is totally fine if it keeps you guys up and running. I'm never too bothered by it on other podcasts, because I recognize that running those ads or verbally bumping a company keeps that free content and laughs coming my way.
I don't have a problem with sponsorships in the least.
Also, Oliver is right. Those Steven Hawking jokes were comedy gold. 50 ways for X to leave their lover might make a great segment.
Best stunt casting photoshop to date. Nice job Dave(assuming you do the shops).
Speaking of Dave, has anyone else noticed that more and more callers are raising their voice up at the end of sentences like Dave does? Is this flattery by emulation or some sort of intonation epidemic?
Despite being unplanned, it was a nice way to round out a year of SPY with just the two of you.
Loosing the podcast would be far worse than the inclusion of any sponsorship deals. Do what you guys have to do to keep it going (bake sale, fun run?). Hell, maybe you can even make some commercials where you interact with computer graphics.
How did I become just associate? What did I ever do to Anonymous?
Did I run over Anonymous's foot in my car? Did I?
For Literary Blokes:
Bret Easton Ellis - writer of American Psycho and member of the "Literary Brat Pack." Though, now that I write out "Brat Pack" I'm thinking not.
James Ellroy - writer of LA Confidential and nicknamed the "Demon Dog of American crime fiction."
Chuck Palahniuk - Aside from writing Fight Club, he's a member of the Cacophony Society and is a regular participant in their events, including the annual Santa Rampage (a public Christmas party involving pranks and drunkenness) in Portland.
J.D. Salinger - Wrote Catcher in the Rye, some novellas and short stories then became a recluse. He hasn't published since 1965 and hasn't been interviewed since 1980.
I'll also throw in a vote for Alan Moore for all reasons mentioned above and this: He is a vegetarian, an anarchist, a practicing magician and occultist, and he worships a Roman snake-deity named Glycon, which he acknowledges to be a "complete hoax".
I realize it may be too late to recommend blokes for the Science of Blokes, but I thought someone else would for sure recommend Brian May, Astrophysicist and lead guitarist of the band Queen.
I also am not particularly fond of the LOB. It is better now that it is getting a bit tighter. For a while it was just becoming the name a person game.
No, nobody likes the League. I think the reason we keep doing it is because I did something unthinkable in a previous life and I'm being punished for it.
I don't have anything against the LoEB. However, you might consider making it a little more scarce just so YOU don't get bored with it. It's not gonna be fun for anyone else if you're not having fun with it yourselves.
Has anyone else noticed there is a weird overrepresentation of Windsor references in this the first year of the podcast. It was mentioned in this episode or the last as some sort of landmark by which to find Illinois by (if I'm not mistaken). There have also been overheards from Tom of Phog Lounge in Windsor, and other random discussions related to that (props to phog by the way, for winning CBC Radio 3's best music venue in Canada contest). And I'm sure there is more that I am just forgetting.
What's the deal Dave and Graham?
From a former Windsorite, current Vancouverite.
dave, i distinctly remember the cookout being on on your tv (during a lazy sunday afternoon). abby was probably watching it and i'm sure you saw a good portion of it too. or it was on in between what we were actually watching.
I'm all for sponsorship. It's only annoying when it's annoying. You can be funny when you're doing your sponsor bit.
Make a theme song about sponsorship (where you harken back to your days of saying "fuck yourself" and "cunt" in all the songs). Not a song about the sponsor, just a song about sponsorship.
Besides, you guys put a lot of effort into the podcast, I see no harm in getting some beer and veggie-dog money for it. Or, if it helps get a website for us fans, how could we ever complain?
Congrats on your 52nd week. Keep up the great work.
How about listeners sponsor the beer for the episode? I got $10 on a funny named beer.
Stop Podcasting Yourself = All Around Awesomeness & Hilarity. I can't get enough! Thanks gents.
So, I realize I'm WAY behind the curve on this, but is there a way to get a clip of your Hockey Night In Canada theme song submission? My mom, God love her, still decided to marry my dad even after their first "meet the parents date" turned out to be watching HNIC on a fuzzy B&W TV, with all of the family chattering in French (and my poor mom being from Pennsylvania). She'd get a kick out of it.
Is Graham's show anywhere on youtube?
I wanna see!
Here's The List with Graham:
Sponsorship? I think you should sing songs about companies, then see if they sponsor you. Could John's Juke's use a Latin swing?
Ethan Hawke did write a book or two...fiction at that. I nominate him, albeit months later.
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