Sunday, February 15, 2009

Episode 50 - Ivan Decker

Comedian Ivan Decker returns to help us celebrate the big 5-0 with some science, personal ads, and Pizza Hut pasta.

Download episode 50 here (right-click)

Brought to you by:


Ivan's hotel pictures

Shelley Berman

The late Mr. Wizard

The still-living Niels Bohr



Crank 2: Electric Blokaroo


Pizza Hut pasta

Fabio from Top Chef



  1. Congrats on 50, guys!

    When Graham said one of the Golden Girls was named Raiden, I almost spit out my milk and cookies!

  2. dave, is it really necessary to explain everything that is non-american to us americans? i expect some differences between canada and america so i'm not going to automatically assume that your pizza hut already serves pasta. and i was never really confused as to what 'trout lake' was. i mean, 'dog park' was already mentioned. i say just do your podcast as usual and don't worry about justifying every canadianism. i wouldn't expect it from any other podcast that was done in another country. otherwise, good job!

  3. Congratulations on 50, fellas - really fun episode!

    They let you have Top Chef in Canada?

  4. Happy 39th

    Ivan had another great show. He is definitely worthy of the repeat guest honor.

    I also like that Abbey's Aunt called you David. It is a very Aunt thing to do.

    Man, ol' anonymous there is pissed. Sure it is pretty easy to draw a conclusion without an explanation but I enjoy finding out the subtle differences between The Melting Pot and The Mosaic. Shouldn't some sort of Offical American Listener be in charge of a duty like that? Moreover, there are always some jokes thrown in during the explanations so whats the harm.

    What is the deal with all of this negative comment shit? It is a comedy podcast lighten the fuck up bumpers.

  5. For the record, I don't consider Anonymous' comment to be negative. More like constructive criticism. We welcome 99.9% of the input we've received.

  6. • I enjoy all the podcasts I subscribe to, but you guys have been running circles around my other favorites lately.

    • There's an old Sound of Young America episode which features interviews with both Shelley Berman and The late Mr. Wizard, you can find it in iTunes under TSoYA Classics, "Old Men"

    • When the subject of "it takes a lot of balls" came up, I thought to myself "at least 4" and then Graham said the exact same thing and it made my day.

    • Word Verification: imusings

  7. Great episode, folks!

    If anyone wants to hear more from Ivan, he's going to be on episode 12 of Audio Video Radio, which is this Sunday from 11am - 1pm. You can even call-in and talk to us live, if you want.

    You can listen and/or download via

  8. It was great hearing Ivan again. He was one of my favorites among the early episodes. I would love to see some of the other past guests back on, Jon Buler (sp?), Phil Hanley and Conor Holler in particular.

  9. I wish to vote for Tim Armstrong for guitarist and Rob Halford for lead singer.

    And as a nomination for the multi-instrumentalist I want to toss the name Vic Ruggiero of the Slackers, as well as guest spots on Rancid, SKAdalous All-Stars and the Transplants. He plays the organ and even more importantly the Theremin.

    Combinations and Permutations Podcast

  10. Oh what hijinx. Please don't stop podcasting yourselves. But maybe when things get up around the 3 hundo mark you can do a podcast all in ye olde english. Too bad Dave's DeNiro doesn't translate into sound only :( 50 is the new 30, still feels fresh. Thx for incl my call. You give me something to look fwd to each Monday after work.

  11. Happy 50th and congrats on managing to be funny for 50 episodes. That can't be easy.

    The best episode of Mr. Wizard was when he was hungover and he asked the kids inside and taught them how to make black coffee.


  12. Happy 50th gents.

    Regarding your Band of Blokes and the suggestion to get inject a little 'ethnicity' into the band, how would Questlove from the Roots work? He's the opposite of bald but he's multi-instrumental. He's got serious cool factor, (probably) smokes a bunch of weed, and wouldn't look for a bar fight, but he'd hold his own if someone else started it.

    Or else Ol' Dirty Bastard. And don't give me that "he's dead" excuse. Everyone knows he's still alive.

  13. I think you guys might enjoy this. The build-up to The Line is quite dramatic and suspenseful. At the edge of my seat.

  14. Rick Allen from Def Leppard for drummer? He only has one arm! Though, wikipedia says he's a vegetarian now, so that'll probably exclude him.

  15. You guys should start a league of fictional blokes and blokesses. You have already allowed ninja turtles into stunt casting. Shredder is pretty blokey.

  16. hey guys, its pete woolcott from t.o., not sure if i should be commenting here i probs sound like a fatnoob anways, i've got a pretty rad over-seen haha. ight, so this dude in a really nice suit walks into the subway station waiting for the train, like everyone else. he's on his phone, looks kinda stressed, his hair was messy and his face was all red, kinda like he just boinked someone. aha and then this duudes still on the phone and he says "fuck man, i really hope not" then he SMELLS his two fingers makes the WEIRDEST face, like he just smelled a dead body or some fish? then he he talks to his bro on the phone or w.e. and says "shit you're right, she's gunna be pissed". haha idk if you guys will think it's funny, im just some 16 year old chillin, almost puked from laughing when i saw this and i totally thought about you dudes, please use it?

  17. did you guys watch these educational videos in school in the 80's too?

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