Saturday, December 20, 2008

Episode 43 - Dan Werb

Dan Werb of Woodhands joins us for our Holiday Special '08. We talk Japan, play Celebrity Crush Hat, and open our Secret Santa gifts. Emmett Hall and Craig Anderson also stop by to offer glad tidings of great joy.

Download episode 43 here. (right-click)

Brought to you by:

Japan's national anthem

Red Shoe Diaries


Dennis Hopper keepin' it real

Some Like It Hot

Super Kawaii

We're gonna call this Shoe-gate

The Bay blanket

False advertising

Big Bad John's

Too Late for Goodbyes


Soylent Green

7 and I Holdings

Dildo Digest



Those are real

Is that a man?

Grace Jones

Dan's Celebrity Crush Hat, age 20

Also, enjoy this video...

Also, this one...

Baby Doc?

You gotta rinse it...

Here's a Woodhands video

Craig Anderson can be found at Bronx Cheer.

Emmett Hall's comic is called Starbun.

-The Ben Affleck/James Gandolfini Christmas movie was Surviving Christmas.
-The Grace Jones James Bond movie was A View To A Kill.


  1. Guys, Pleo is totally available in NA already.

    I don't think it's even Japanese.

    btw the captcha is "wagstie"

  2. Emmet Hall just provided about the best 5 minutes of SPY history. Sweet, feathery jesus. That was so great. Its up there with Hockey Night in Canada and everything to do with Charlie Demers.

    The sad part is that the other guest (sorry I don't remember the name) was really, really good. I really liked the brother-in-law song. But Emmet Hall knocked it out of the park and then punched it in the face with a flaming drop kick. I don't know how to emphasize it any futher.

  3. Wow, what a show. I was in tears laughing during Emmet Hall's poem. Hearing Graham loose it in the background was great. I think I am going to learn how to knit so I can make a holiday blanket with the poem on it. Craig Anderson was also quality. Definitely top three episode.

    Dave, be careful of the P.A.D Thai uprising.

    Graham, follow the more traditional route of getting wasted around the family during the holidays, I know I will be.

    Thanks for the solid year of laughs.

    Happy Holidays

  4. Dennis Hopper actually was in Rebel Without A Cause, it was a small role, one of his first! (Though he definitely wasn't the director).

  5. What a great show! Craig's song was unreasonably funny.

  6. Another great effort Team Shumlark. Or Clarmka

    By the way, it's been a while since you've mentioned the beer you're drinking. Are you running out of hilarious beer or are you just holding out for a sponsorship?

  7. Most Magical Christmas podcast this year. Thank you for it!

    Emmet Hall deserves a beautiful shiny medal and a kiss on the face for that poem.

  8. The comedians Adam and Joe did a list of their top 5 favourite cute Japanese items. They called it Kawaii Five Oh.

  9. just glorious, boys.

    i was listening to this on a plane and both spit cranberry juice cocktail and kicked my seat mate as a result of gigglesnorting.

    merry merry indeed!

  10. Where can I get a cinnamints it shirt? Because I often think of, "If you stain it, then you drain it, then you rinse it, cinnamints it!" and crack up whenever I take a bath.


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