Sunday, May 11, 2008

Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 10

Teen Angster Sara Bynoe brings her own Pop Rocks, as we discuss male strippers, legitimate theatre, and license plates.

Download episode 10 here

Brought to you by:

Male strippers
Dave's honest to God homemade soft pretzels
Hope Floats
King of Floors
Godfather's Pizza (I couldn't find the right ad. Enjoy this terrible one.)

Tylenol 3's
Naughty Nellie Ale
C. Everett Koop
Land of Living Skies
Pop Rocks: the band


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm hooked! And btw, May 1st a.k.a. May Day is a national holiday here in Sweden. NO work. Banks and liquor stores are closed. People demonstrate....or nurse their hangovers from the night before. Robbie Burns day is Jan 25. Miss A Campbell shou

  3. I've just been listening to the podcast for a few weeks, so maybe another bumper filled you in on this stuff already. Just in case:
    1) The red berets are known as the Guardian Angels- a non-profit, international, volunteer organization of unarmed citizen crime patrollers. When the Big Bossman had a stint in WCW, his gimmick was that he was a member of the Guardian Angels - red beret and all.
    2) The Jean-Claude Van Damme movie that Dave was thinking of is "Monaco Forever". His role is "Gay Karate Man". "Monaco Forever" was featured on our blog (daily haikus and bad movie reviews - staffed by individuals that are not professional comedians):


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